Friday, 8 January 2010

"Black holes and revelations..."
In case you haven't heard, I passed out on the train the other day.
I literally fainted in a far less glamorous way than you can possibly imagine.
How embarrassing. Far more humiliating for the BF I suppose.
He was a knight in shining armour/ superhero!!
hahaha. He lugged me out from the train with hundred pairs of eyes staring to the train station ( as I lay unconscious) where the very nice people of SMRT got me a wheelchair and brought me to their staff lounge. They fed me milo and biscuits, and a lecture about eating regularly. At the end of the whole thing I asked him, " Exciting anot? First time I faint leh!" To which he replied, " You think you very funny huh? You know how worried I was....."
So much for a memorable monthniversary.
So I went for a bloodtest yesterday after much persuasion/nagging from the bf.
They poked me in the place I dreaded most.(The area where the joint of your arm is located)
So there I was freaking out like hell, and they refuse to let my hero come in with me.@#$%^&*(
I went thru the damn ordeal by myself if you haven't realise by now.
Turns out I'm anaemic. Here's the best part, they can't figure out why and I have to go for a bloodtest AGAIN.
Yea, I've overcome the fear but its not like I enjoy it. I don't go round saying "poke me.poke me."
Why couldn't they done the analysis with the same vile of blood they've drawn earlier?
Sigh.I'm scheduled to be poked again next week. Raaaaawwrrr.
And yes baby, your my hero (in a high squeaky voice)

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